D’vorah’s Place
Haramara Retreat Center
Harmonic Visions
Bhola Nath Banstola, an indigenous Nepali shaman, soon will be making his second visit to Portland Oregon, teaching a weekend workshop on July 13 & 14, 2013. Banstola was born in 1966 in the Bhojpur district of east Nepal. He was called by the spirits at a very young age to become a shaman and was initiated by his grandfather, who had been the shaman of his village. He is the 30th generation within his family to be chosen by
Harmonic Visions Center for Shamanism
Harmonic Visions Healing Center
Harmonic Visions Retreat Center
Discover the Shaman Within…Shamanism as Medicine for the Soul… Starts September 2012 Completes May 2013 “Karyn is a brilliant Shamanic Practitioner and Teacher. Everyone loves and respects Karyn because of the creative arts she brings to her work, she is connected to all worlds with grounded clarity, and I trust her implicitly and support her work completely” – Sandra Ingerman, author of Soul Retrieval and Medicine for the Earth. “Karyn Armstrong is an inspiring and trustworthy Shamanic Practitioner and promoter of Shamanism. She