Medicine Drum Making in Asheville North Carolina

Medicine Drum Making in Asheville North Carolina

Oct 13 - Oct 13 2019

Location: River Arts District - 191 Lyman Street - Asheville

Medicine Drum Making in Asheville North Carolina

Medicine Drum Event

Medicine Drum Making in Asheville, North Carolina October 13th, 2019 from 11:00 to 4:00 at a beautiful location in the River Arts District in Asheville, North Carolina.

Together we make a medicine drum in a sacred ceremonial way, with mindfulness and intention.

The earth yearns for drumming for it’s the heart beat of the drum that brings us to a grounded state of consciousness. A personal drum made with focused intention and a sincere heart becomes an extension of you and will provide great comfort and healing when used. The rattle is another tool we can use for going on a shamanic journey or to support us in our work with others.

You will be supplied everything you need to create your own frame drum and accompanying beater. Some supplies I will suggest you bring. While you are making your creations you will be taught the care and feeding of your drum, as well as how to use them in healing and ceremonies.

We will begin with a Drum Journey to connect to the Heartbeat of the Drum, and then start the process of creating you’re drum.  After creating the drum, we’ll celebrate its birth with a special ceremony.  Birthing a drum is an intense process, one not easily forgotten. The drum face can later be painted with your Animal Totem or designs. You can also personalize the drum with beads and feathers to strengthen the connection with your drum.

I also offer private drum making sessions or you can commission me to make one for you! If you would like to organized a drum making workshop in your city please contact me.

Medicine Drum Supplies

You will be able to pick your own size hoop. The sized range for 14, 15, 16, and 18.

The skins available are DEER, ELK, HORSE, COW, GOAT, BUFFALO and MOOSE. Add $35 for buffalo and moose.

Birthing a drum in a sacred way filled with your medicine and intention will is a treasured lifetime gift you give to yourself. The cost is $260 and includes the hide, frame and beater.


The investment is $260 and it includes all materials.


Contact Karyn Armstrong at 503-804-9441 or karyn@harmonicvisions for payment with a check or cash as well as location details and preparation.


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